Vivian Ireene Pierce Cold Start & Drive the Coronet Lace-up Leather Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cold Start & Drive the Coronet Lace-up Leather Boots

April 23rd, 2023

It’s a cold one here in Alabama and Vivian wanted to take the old Coronet for a drive. This was one of our earlier shoots and she was still getting the hang of these old cars, so in the beginning to get it started I remind her of some pointers that we had gone over the first day she was here. Mainly, it was pointers on handling these big old cars, cold/hot starts, don’t grind the starter and things like that.

I’ve found that instead of just throwing models in cars and hoping for the best, spend some time with them in videos helping/reminding them of things. Even models who are very savvy with old cars still need reminders and/or tweaking because each car is different.

Vivian has had prior experience with old cars but it was when she was younger and every car is different. Being that it’s as cold as it is, it was going to be a challenge whether she knew what to do or not. So yes, this is kind of a behind-the-scenes of a cold start with Vivian in the Coronet.

Lots of cranking, sputtering, stalling, pumping, priming, warm-up revving, thick white exhaust smoke and then once the car gets running, driving. Filmed on the first generation of GoPro’s waaaay back in the day, so quality is blegh…sorry!