Barbie is still looking hot and still cruising in the giant Caddy!! Too bad there’s not a car show going on that she can roll up into. 🙂
Barbie is still looking hot and still cruising in the giant Caddy!! Too bad there’s not a car show going on that she can roll up into. 🙂
Barbie Driving The 61 Cadillac/ Pink Stiletto Pumps / 1080i MP4 HD/ Clip 3 Of 4
As we continue from clip two. Shish is doing something a little bit different clip three begins at the house there’s another camera mounted somewhere in the back-seat area getting a whole body shot of Barbie as she gets in starts the Cadillacs big block V8 roar to life.
Barbie makes a right turn and drives to the shopping center, she parks the Cadillac too the left of the Coronet, the clip ends when it starts again, the clip begins back at the house this time from a different prospective there’s a minicam on the dashboard getting whole body video you can see a little bit of Barbie’s left foot as Barbie starts the Cadillac and drives to the shopping center and parks to the left of the Coronet, before she shuts the engine off she turns the key to the right she grinds the starter for a fraction of a second.
The camera fades when it comes back on Barbie starts the engine there leaving the shopping center parking lot, now Shish is shooting this from another angle either he’s remotely controlling the camera from the back-seat or he has another camera mounted somewhere up front getting whole body and some really great footwell video as Barbie backs the Cadillac out of its parking spot and going on her drive, by the way there’s no P.I.P in clip three.
As the PTP copyright pops up on the screen Barbie is still driving the Cadillac. What will clip four bring us? Will we get footwell video? Or will we get something completely different? There’s another minicam on the hump to the right of Barbie’s foot. We will have to wait and find out in clip four.
Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀