This half-hour clip was filmed today, during one of the coldest days we’ve had in years!! Yes yes, I know you northerners, Canadians and Russians will probably tell us that 17 degrees with a windchill of single digits to -7 is a ‘heat wave’. But look, for those of us in the Southern US, that’s COLD! I figured it would be cool (pun intended) to get some genuine, candid cold starting clips of Cassandra in the various cars we have. The cold was too much for some of the batteries as they didn’t even turn the cars over. Luckily, I keep a supply of deep cycle batteries on hand and it allowed her to spin the engines over to try and start. This is a casual video as we’re talking to each other while braving the cold to see how these cars behave.
3 thoughts on “Cassandra Super Cold (for the South) Starting the Fleet”
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This cold weather leads to the type of day where AAA does a LOT of business with their tow trucks having to provide a lot of people with unexpected jump starts after they set off for work and discover that their car batteries are dead – or so weak that they still can’t get their vehicles started. It went down to around 0 degrees last night here in north-central North Carolina. I bet a whole bunch of people set off for work in this state and discovered that their cars had other ideas. Great vid! At least Cassandra was prepared to spend a lot of time outdoors sitting in frigid cars trying to start them up with her assorted layers of protective clothing, (heavy coats, gloves, boots, and warm hat on her head). Definitely not a day for a woman to wear a skirt, no matter how great her legs are to look at.
Thank you Cassandra for braving the elements outdoors in below 20 degree temps in cold Alabama weather! True it might not be as cold in Alabama as it currently is in Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Dakotas and Canada; well below zero in those areas. But I dare ANYONE to stand outside when it’s 17 degrees out for longer than 15 minutes and NOT state that they feel the intense cold weather seeping into his/her bones!!
Cassandra Mixed Trying to Start The PTP Fleet Near Zero Weather/ Burr It’s Cold Outside / Brown Boots
Shish uploaded this video the same day he shot it, he wanted to see how the cars would start in sub zero arctic cold. Cassandra is wearing a brown fur hat, brown parka, gray leggings, brown ankle boots /w fur trim, two tone blue socks, brown leather gloves. Cassandra and Shish walk over to the Monte-Carlo, she has a hard time opening the door she gets it open she gets in she gets the ignition key from the glove box nothing. Shish has to open the hood to connect the battery terminals, he has Cassandra pull the hood latch two times that and his pounding on the hood about two times before the hood would open.
Now that the battery is hooked up she turns the key the battery seems to have a good charge it wont turn over, the engine will not even so much as sputter or backfire, she cranks and pumps the gas pedal for close to five minutes before the battery dies on her. Cassandra and Shish talk back and forth through out the video, they move on to the bug. Cassandra puts the key in the ignition the engine fires right up, she revs the engine for a little bit. Shish has Cassandra shut the engine off and start it backup to if it would start backup it did, after revving for a little bit. Shish has Cassandra shut the engine off she pumps the gas pedal repeatedly to see if the carburetor would flood it did. Cassandra did a crank and tease for about a minute before she cleared out the carburetor out of excess gas to start it back up to warm it up a little more, now that we know the bug will start up.
Next is the bus. If you look closely some of those clips don’t appear to be shot in sequence, the reason I”m typing this if you look closely when Cassandra tried to start the Monte-Carlo and the bus she had on brown ankle boots on her feet with gray leggings, when she tries to start the Volvo the bug and the Monte-Carlo the second time she had on dark brown leggings and two tone brown boots on her feet. Shish walks over to the passenger door it was so cold he almost didn’t get it to open, he gets it open. Cassandra can’t get the drivers door open when he gets in the bus he has to open it from inside the bus. Cassandra gets in she tries to start the engine up, she forgot to hook up the battery terminals. Cassandra goes to the back to hook the battery up beating Shish to the punch. Cassandra tries to get the bus to start, the starter barely spins after a couple of tries the battery dies
Shish puts a fresh battery in the bus. Cassandra tries again this time the bus fires up on the first try, this surprises Shish, after the engine running for a few seconds it dies on her. Cassandra has to do a little cranking and pumping the engine starts right up, she revs it good. Cassandra tries to put the gearshift in neutral she has a little bit of trouble, Shish has to put the gearshift in neutral. Cassandra lets the engine idle on the bus for a wile. Shish hopes that the engine warming up will thaw the lock in the back so they can shoot videos, that might be easier said then done with it being so cold almost down to zero, now that the bus is warming up Cassandra moves over to the Volvo it’s parked besides the bus.
Cassandra turns the key on the Volvo the engine wont start, Shish tells Cassandra to pull the choke out, the engine fires right up she gets a few revs out of the engine before it dies on her after the engine dies on her. Cassandra pushes the choke back in she doesn’t use it at all for the next five minutes trying to get the Volvo to start, the battery has a really good charge. Cassandra has to do a lot of cranking and pumping of the Volvo’s gas pedal before it begins to sputter cough and backfire widen she gets it to start, had Cassandra pulled the choke out a couple more times the engine might have started up sooner.
In order to keep the engine running Cassandra has to feather the gas pedal she holds the gas pedal all the way down to the floor even then the engine doesn’t seem to want to warm up. Cassandra gives up on the Volvo for now. Shish has put a fresh battery in the Monte-Carlo she going to give the Monte-Carlo another go at it, on the first try the engine starts right up on the first try, it dies on her she has no trouble getting it to start backup, the engine stalls and backfires a few times before she can keep it running. Shish has Cassandra shut the engine off to see if she can get it to start backup it did, that’s all the Monte-Carlo and the bus needed was fresh batteries. Shish is getting mostly whole body shots with upper body and footwell video mixed in, the video is almost over now.
Shish looks around to see if they can try one more car, he has Cassandra shut the engine off in the Monte-Carlo they walked over to the Camaro Z28 to see if Cassandra can get it to start, it’s had some work done on it, the power steering box was leaking a little bit hopefully that’s fixed. Shish hooks the battery charger up to the Z28’s battery to jump-start it, the engine doesn’t start on the first try it does on the second try, the engine sounds nice and smooth as Cassandra gently revs the engine.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cassandra is warming up the Z28. The End.
Cassandra you did a great job trying to start and warm up some of these cars in near sub zero cold, it’s a good thing you and Shish were bundled up really good, hopefully the Jeep and the Coronet started right up with no problems. Shish you did a great job shooting this video, hope the camera held up okay, this is a great video. Good work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
GREAT !!! A MASTERPIECE !!! Thanks a lot to Cassandra, so brave, with such a cold… Epic struggle with the Volvo, with the VW minibus too … Beautiful smile, very great elegance … Thanks to Sish , and Cassandra … for ever