Cassandra & Samantha Rev the Coronet – #708

Cassandra & Samantha Rev the Coronet – #708

June 4th, 2016


A little tag team revving fun from these two tall, leggy blondes!! 🙂

One thought on “Cassandra & Samantha Rev the Coronet – #708”

  1. Cassandra & Samantha Ford Revving The Coronet / White Patent Leather Stiletto Pumps & Black Leather Sling-Back Stiletto Pumps / Custom #708

    Cassandra & Samantha are going too do a little revving in the Coronet. Shish is getting whole body video as Cassandra gets in the drivers seat Samantha gets in the front passenger seat. Cassandra whispers something into Sam’s ear they both though that it was funny. Cassandra starts the engine it fires up on the first try Cassandra revs the engine good and loud. Cassandra is wearing a black leather long sleeve shirt, blue polka-dot dress w/ white spots, white patent leather stiletto pumps. Samantha is wearing a dark blue dress w/ white circles , black leather sling-back stiletto pumps.

    Shish is getting great video he’s getting whole body video as the both of them get in the Coronet and whole body video after Cassandra starts the engine and she gives the engine a really good revving for the first couple of minutes. Casandra gets out of the car walks around the rear of the car and gets in the front passenger seat as Samantha scoots over from the passenger side over to the drivers side she gives the Coronet a really good revving, revving the engine good and loud for the rest of the video, both Cassandra and Samantha have sexy feet in white patent leather stiletto pumps and black leather sling-back stiletto pumps.

    As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen both Cassandra and Samantha turn to the camera and say “ Well Paolo hope you like this little revving video chow.” As both Cassandra and Samantha turn and smile and wave to the camera. The End Cassandra you and Samantha did a great custom revving video in the Coronet. Paolo hope I spelled you name right, hope you like the custom as much as I did. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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