Cheyenne Getting Familiar with the Bug in Keds

Cheyenne Getting Familiar with the Bug in Keds

March 11th, 2018

She hasn’t driven a stick in a while, so this is a refresher course for her. She drives good once she gets going it’s just that starting and stopping, like with most people, is the most difficult. She ain’t afraid to drive it fast though, that’s for sure. There is a lot of talking between us as I’m trying to talk her through the steps as we’re out and about.
This video has a lot of driving, foot-work, some stalling, frustrated pedal work and scenes of a short girl stretching out to reach the pedals.

One thought on “Cheyenne Getting Familiar with the Bug in Keds”

  1. Cheyenne Malone Driving The Supper-Beetle / Re-Learning How To Drive A Stick-Shift / Brown Leather Leggings & White Keds Sneakers

    Cheyenne is going out for a little drive in the bug she’s a little bit rusty driving a stick-shift Shish is giving her pointers, sometimes she doesn’t push the clutch all the way to the floor this either causes the engine to stall out on her or she grinds gears when she tries to shift. Shish is getting a mixture of upper and some really great footwell video of Cheyenne’s sexy size 6 feet in her white Keds sneakers. Cheyenne gets frustrated, she can’t figure out what she’s doing wrong.

    Shish has her practice a little bit backing out of the parking spot up at Cassandra’s and shifting into first gear and pushing the clutch all the way to the floor and letting off the clutch and when to give the engine gas. The bug stalls out quite a few time Cheyenne has no trouble getting the engine started backup each time. Cheyenne is wearing a white leather coat, brown leather leggings, white Keds sneakers. Once Cheyenne gets out on the street she has no trouble shifting gears once she gets going she has a little bit of trouble shifting into fourth gear, after Shish shows Cheyenne her what she’s doing wrong.

    Cheyenne guns the engine going as fast as she can flooring the gas pedal making left and right turns. Now back at Cassandra’s she has to back the bug up before she parks it in it’s parking spot, the bugs engine stalls again she has no trouble getting it restarted before she parks the bug. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cheyenne parks the bug she’s about to shut the engine off. The End. Cheyenne you did a great driving video in the bug your feet look sexy in those white Keds sneakers. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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