The hood of the Bug is open so that Dirty Diana can put her gear in the car. She slams the hood shut and you see that she slipped on some sexy sports gear for your little outing today! She walks to the drivers door, slips behind the wheel and asks, “Are you ready to go for a ride?”
Umm, hell yeah!! You jump in the car and she begins the process of getting it cranked! Pump the gas, spin it over, pump it some more….rinse, repeat until success or a dead battery. Fortunately, she gets it started and after some stalling while backing up, she pulls out on to the road and hits the gas! She works the pedal in her tall socks and thin-strap stiletto sandals.
At one point during the drive, the car stalls out and she starts cranking the car while it’s coasting. Fortunately it’s a back-road and she can bring the car to a stop and keep trying to get it going again.
3 thoughts on “Dirty Diana in “Sexy Sports Girl Pedal Pumping in Stiletto’s & Socks””
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Dirty Diana looked so sexy in the sports outfit that she was wearing for this vid. I have to concur with what ShisH wrote as to Diana inviting and asking the viewer if they wanted to go for a ride with her. My answer to her question, like ShisH’s would also be “Hell yes, Diana”. Not much thought would go into my decision either!!
As expected Dirty Diana did have a lot of trouble there in the beginning trying to get the Bug started. The car seems to give many PTP models trouble in their efforts to get it started, (not that I’m complaining you understand). I also loved portion of the vid where, after the car stalled out a few times before she got it out onto the road, Dirty Diana resorted to keeping the toes of her right foot on the brake pedal while simultaneously pumping the gas with the stiletto heel of the same foot. as she turned and held the key in the start position waiting/hoping for the engine to re-fire. I found it very cool to watch this sexy manuever put on display by Dirty Diana.
This great looking young lady also kept her wits about her while out on the road with the Bug suddenly stalling out as she was driving at a fairly good clip. While coasting Dirty Diana kept repeatedly trying to re-start the VW, holding in the clutch and repeatedly pumping the gas pedal hoping the engine would re-fire. After a handful of attempts, the Bug’s engine caught and she continued down the road. Dirty Diana did remark how she was lucky during this incident as she encountered no other vehicles on the road as she was trying to re-start the often temperamental Bug.
Great job in filming this vid, Diana. I don’t recall your ever driving the Bug before in a vid. However I knew that you could still handle a stick shift car as members have seen you crank/drive both the Volvo station wagon and VW Bus in previously posted vids here at the site. I personally look forward in the future to Dirty Diana taking viewers “out for a ride” in this same vehicle. A similar sexy outfit would be even MORE inviting, (ha-ha)!
somewhat curious combination of socks and sandals??
Dirty Diana Cranking & Driving The Super-beetle Too The Ball Game / Red Strappy Stiletto Sandals
It’s a hot summer day Diana is going to a neighborhood park she’s the ball-girl for her team, she puts her gear in the trunk of her classic blue 1972 VW super beetle. Shes wearing dark sun glasses/w red rims, red sleeveless top, blue bikini shorts, white tube socks /w red stripes, red strappy stiletto sandals.
Now that Diana has her gear in the trunk Diana asks you if you would like to go to the park with her? You say yes and get in the front passenger seat. Now that’s all Diana has to do is get the bug to start, it can be temperamental especially on hot summer days, the carburetor can flood quite easy. Diana gets in the bug she adjusts the drivers seat. Diana put her left foot on the clutch her right foot is on the brake pedal, she turns the ignition key the engine will not start.
Diana turns her right foot too the left she pumps the gas pedal with her right heel as she presses down on the brake pedal with the rest of her right foot the engine doesn’t even so much attempt to sputter or cough , it takes Diana close to five minutes to get the engine to start, she gets the engine running now and then, the engine keeps stalling on her then she has to go back and crank and pump the bugs gas pedal.
One time Diana has the engine running she didn’t warm the engine up enough she puts the gearshift in reverse she tries to backup the engine stalls she has to go back to cranking and pumping. Diana gets the engine stared backup this time it stays running, she goes to the end of the driveway and makes a right turn. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Diana puts her baseball gear in the trunk and upper body and footwell video as Diana’s feet work the pedals.
Diana is driving down a two lane back road to the ball park the drive is going fine she’s not going that fast maybe 30 MPH at the most. Shish points the camera at the windshield to show where there going as Diana is driving to the park. Diana makes a left turn when she shifted from first gear she went into forth gear by mistake the engine stalls on her Diana puts the gearshift in neutral as shes coasting shes cranking and pumping the bugs gas pedal, it takes her about a minute to get the engine to start it teased her one time, it pretended it wanted to start before she got running again.
Diana makes it to the park with out any more trouble from the bug she parks the bug.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Diana puts the gearshift in neutral and sets the emergency brake and shuts the engine off. The End.
Diana you did a great cranks and drive video in the bug, your size 10 feet look sexy in those red stiletto sandals. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀