She’s got the Jeep going and now she’s going for a drive. Β She floors the gas in her white Nike sneakers and has some fun while cruising the back roads.
She’s got the Jeep going and now she’s going for a drive. Β She floors the gas in her white Nike sneakers and has some fun while cruising the back roads.
Gem Crank & Rev The Jeep Wagoneer Trying Too Go For A Drive / White Nike Sneakers / 720P MP4 HD / Clip 2 Of 2
As we continue from clip one Gem has the jeep running she gets out and removes the battery charger cables and closes the hood, she gets in the jeep puts the gearshift in reverse and backs out of the driveway it’s whole body, upper body video until Gem makes a right turn it’s all footwell video as Gem tries to gun the engine going as fast as she can when traffic permits. Shish goes back to shooting upper and footwell video when Gem pulls into someones driveway so she can backup and go back the way that she came. Gem just backed the jeep out of the neighbors driveway when the engine stalled on the jeep, this startles Gem for a few seconds she doesn’t know what to do she puts the gearshift in park turns the ignition key the engine fires right up on the first try she revs the engine a little bit to make sure it will stay running.
Gem goes back the way that she came there’s a car coming the other way right in the middle of the street. Shish motions the driver to get out of the way Gem saysβ texting wile driving.β Gem makes a left turn as Shish goes back to footwell shots for the rest of the video. Gem turns down what appears to be a dirt road of some sort I’m not sure she might have have been going over to Cassandra’s house it’s in that general direction.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Shish is getting a footwell shot of Gem’s right foot working the gas pedal. The End.
Gem you did a great two part crank and drive series in the jeep your feet look sexy in those Nike sneakers. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! π π π π