Jamie Lynn Takes the Bug to the Car Wash in Reeboks

Jamie Lynn Takes the Bug to the Car Wash in Reeboks

December 31st, 2016

She’s gotta get the old dirty Bug started to take it down the road to get a rinse off. She’s wearing a low-cut pink tshirt, black leather pants and white Reebok Princess sneakers. Lots of pumping that gas pedal, whether she’s stomping on it while driving or mashing it to the floor to get the car started…lots of working those pedals in this clip. The car stalls at a stop sign and in the car wash stall but she romps on it when she’s driving it.

One thought on “Jamie Lynn Takes the Bug to the Car Wash in Reeboks”

  1. Jamie Lynn Crank & Drive The Super-Beetle Down To The Car-Wash Too Rinse It Off / Black Leather Pants & White Reebok Sneakers / 720 P MP4 HD

    It’s a nice day the bug is a little dirty. Shish has Jamie Lynn drive the bug down to the local car wash it’s down the street from Cassandra’s that’s all she has to do is get the bug started and drive it down there and rinse it off, hard to tell the last time the bug had been started and driven. Jamie Lynn is wearing pink v-neck short sleeve shirt, dark black leather pants, white Reebok sneakers. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Jamie gets in the bug and whole body video when she gets out at the car wash.

    And upper and footwell video when Jamie tries to get the bug started at Cassandra’s from the front passenger seat and the drivers side with the drivers door open as Jamie struggles in all it takes Jamie close to two minutes to get the bug started. Shish gives Jamie some pointers on how to crank and drive the bug as she slowly goes down the driveway to the dirt road. Jamie asks Shish witch way to turn he tells her to turn left, she doesn’t get that far down the road when she shifts into a lower gear the engine dies on her at a stop sign.

    Jamie has a little bit of trouble getting the bug started back up, it takes her close to a couple of minutes to get the bug started back up, she might have flooded the carburetor a little bit from what I can tell she didn’t appear to hold the gas pedal all the way to the floor to clear out the carburetor of excess gas. Jamie gets the bug started backup now turns into the car wash the door windows are rolled up as Jamie gets the water hose with the hand gun type water nozzle as she rinses off the bug it takes her a few minutes to do that, she gets back in the bug.

    With the drivers door open all the way Shish is getting whole body video as Jamie struggles to get the bug started her sexy size 7.5 feet must be getting hot and sweaty from all the cranking she’s done in the bug, she gets the bug started she drives back over to Cassandra’s, as Jamie turns down the dirt road to Cassandra’s driveway Shish sees a deer run past them he’s not able to get any video of it as Jamie parks the bug in the same spot where this video began.

    As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Jamie Lynn parks the bug shifts into neutral and pulls the emergency brake lever and shuts the engine off. The End. Jamie you did a great crank and drive video in the bug, your feet look sexy in those Reebok’s. Shish your camera work as always great. God work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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