Jewels Takes Your Truck for a Test Drive
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Jewels Takes Your Truck for a Test Drive

December 2nd, 2022

Putting some things away and you hear a knock at your door. You look out the window first and see this cute little blonde standing on your porch. You open the door and she says she’s interested in the truck you have for sale and wants to take it for a test drive.

Do you think you can handle this truck?” you ask and without missing a beat and not even looking back at you, she replies, “I think so.” in that tone that really means: ‘100%! Now shut up and get in!’.

You both climb in the vehicle and she has to leap in because she’s so petite. She fires it up, turns the radio down and starts romping on the gas pedal in her open toe stiletto booties. She buckles up, backs up and begins her test drive.

She pulls out onto the main road and guns it a little. She’s gotta get a feel of the truck first. She sees you checking her out while she’s driving.

I love it.” she says. She looks good in this big ole truck!

She slows down to make a u-turn and then floors the gas pedal to let the truck work it’s way through all the gears. Once it’s up to speed, she lets off for a second then floors it again. Then again…..and again….

So smooth.” she says. She’s not wrong though, this truck just glides down the road. The engine roar constantly filling up your ears as she just continues flooring the shit out of this truck. Your not sure if there’s going to be anything left by the time this test drive is over.

Much to your relief, she heads back to your house to park it but then you notice she starts romping on the gas pedal to rev the engine. She revs it for a bit before looking at you and saying, “I’ll take it.” with this devilish smile like she’s already working on low-balling you.

Women and their wiles….

2 thoughts on “Jewels Takes Your Truck for a Test Drive”

  1. Jewels Mixed In Dodge Ram Truck ( She Wants To Buy The Truck From You – She Going To Test Drive It) Tan Open-Toe Ankle-Strap Booties / 1080i MP4 HD

    You want to sell your Dodge Ram truck with the 345 Hemi engine Jewels comes out she wants to do a test drive get it out on the highway open it up and see if she would like to buy it, you ask her if she can handle that big truck with no problems she says yes.

    Jewels is wearing a red sleeveless pullover shirt, denim jeans, tan open toe ankle-strap stiletto booties. Shish is shooting whole body video as she stands outside after she rings the door bell and as she walks out to the truck and gets behind the wheel,he also shoots upper and footwell video as well as video of the instrument cluster.

    Now that Jewels is inside the truck she starts the engine up you can hear that Hemi engine roar when she presses down the gas pedal, she backs out of the driveway and gets out on the highway she opens it up pretty good presses down on the gas pedal she gets that truck going on a pretty good clip, she gets the truck almost up to 90 MPH.

    She goes down the highway she opens it up some she really doesn’t get it up to close to 90 MPH until she flips a U-turn and goes back the way she came, she parks it in the driveway and gives the engine a really good loud revving getting the engine RPMS up there some. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Jewels shuts the engine off and unbuckles her seat belt and turns and looks into the camera with this big grin on her face. The End

    Jewels you did a great drive and rev video in the truck your feet look sexy in those tan open toe ankle-strap stiletto booties. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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