Mari has a car full of folks…Scarlet, Hana and myself. She’s driving us over to Cassandra’s in the Monte Carlo and tries not to get too embarrassed when the old clunker doesn’t start. She stabs the gas pedal in her worn out cowgirl boots to get the car to start but she tends to flood the cars more than helping them to start. She must take after her sister, lol! After a few minutes, she gets it going and we drive and chat a bit. She’s got some itty bitty shorts on and you get to see her bare thighs throughout the video.
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Mari Crank & Drive The Monte-Carlo Over To Casandra’s House / Brown Cowgirl Boots
Mari is going to drive the Monte-Carlo over to Cassandra’s to shoot some videos, her older sister Hana is in the back-seat right behind Mari. Scarlet is sitting besides Hana. Now that’s all Mari has to do is get the Monte-Carlo to start.
As the video begins Mari gets in the car she says” are you ready” she puts the key in the ignition she primes the carburetor a couple of times, she turns the key and of course the engine will not start. Mari cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlo for close to two minutes, the engine sputters two times. Mari might have flooded the carburetor with all that pumping of the gas pedal.
It takes Mari about two minutes to get the engine to start, when the engine starts it almost stalls on her. Mari revs the engine to keep that from happening, now that the engine is running. Mari puts the gearshift in reverse to back the Monte-Carlo out of the driveway she makes a right turn, and there on there way to Cassandra’s
Mari is wearing a Gray hoddie, Gray shorts, brown cowgirl boots w/ white tube socks. Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and footwell shots, he also turns the camera around at least one time getting video of both Scarlet and Hana, Hana is on her cellphone sending someone a text message wile Mari drives she’s not going that fast 25 MPH 35 MPH max.
It takes Mari about a little over five minutes to get to Cassandra’s house, wile there driving over to Cassandra’s Scarlet is on her smart-phone checking what the temperature is, its a little cool outside.
Mari makes a left turn, she’s going down the dirt road down to Cassandra’s, you can see Cassandra’s house through the drivers side window through the trees.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Mari is about to park the Monte-Carlo. The End.
Mari you did a great crank and drive video in the Monte-Carlo, for those of you who like brown cowgirl boots your going to like these boots. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
yee haw!