As Riley walks to her hand-me-down clunker, she sees she has a flat tire. Figures, she needs to leave and something else is going to slow her down. She’s going to pull around to the garage to get air but now she can’t get the damn car to start! She’s flooded the car so much in the past, she’s careful and almost timid to pump it too much in fear of flooding it on this hot, summer day.
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Riley Cranking The Volvo / Dark Brown Leather Cowgirl Boots
Riley is going for a drive in her hand me down rust-bucket white 1970 Volvo, shes walking down the driveway she notices that her right rear tire is flat. Riley decides she will drive the Volvo to the backyard where there’s an air compressor she will fill the tire up with air, that is if she can get the Volvo to start.
Riley is wearing a multi colored dress, dark brown leather cowgirl boots. Riley gets in the Volvo she puts the key in the ignition her left foot on the clutch, right from the get go shes cranking and pumping the Volvo, the mistake she makes when shes cranking the engine she never uses the choke at all through out this video.
For about the first five or six minutes the engine doesn’t sputter or cough. Riley pleads with the Volvo to start that does no good at all. Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and some really great footwell video from the passenger side, a little later he walks over to the drivers side with the drivers door open he gets whole body shots and some footwell shots.
A couple of times Riley holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor, the engine was trying to catch had she pulled the choke out I think the engine might have started right up.
Riley grinds the starter one time earlier in the video wile shes cranking and pumping the Volvo, after close too eight minutes of cranking and pumping the Volvo Riley has had enough of the Volvo for one day she gives up getting the Volvo to start, too bad there’s nobody to come over and help her get it to start.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Riley gives up on getting the Volvo to start, she takes the keys out of the ignition she gets out of the Volvo she goes back into the house. The End.
Riley you did a great cranking video in the Volvo, for those of you who like dark brown cowgirl boots, your going to like these boots. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Riley video this possible brake failure in peep toes volvo?
riley’re beautiful but you have to pump the gas pedal more, more aggressive…