Star Running on Fumes in the Jeep in Boots, 2 of 2

Star Running on Fumes in the Jeep in Boots, 2 of 2

August 26th, 2017

Star almost had us in a jam in the first clip. We were almost out of time and if she stranded us, well, her kids wouldn’t get picked up at school. So I had to intervene by talking her out of the spot she was getting hung up on. The Jeep was so low on gas that it stalled out at a stop sign right before the gas station but she got it started right back up. Fortunately, we made it and now that she has a full tank, she floors the gas pedal in her orange boots the rest of the way home.

One thought on “Star Running on Fumes in the Jeep in Boots, 2 of 2”

  1. Star Crank & Rev The Jeep Low On Gas Trying To A Get To A Service Station To Fill The Tank Up With Gas / Brown Leather Cowgirl Boots / Clip 2 Of 2

    As we continue from clip one Star has the jeep running she has just completed backing the jeep up, she’s slowly going down the driveway to the dirt road. Shish tells Star to be careful not to let off the gas to fast or the engine will die again. Star is careful she makes a left turn at the end of the dirt road. Star drives to the nearest service station it’s just down the street from Cassandra’s. Star asks Shish witch side the gas cap in on so she can fill the tank up with gas, the camera fades when it come back on. Star starts the engine she floors the gas pedal expecting the jeep will give her trouble and be temperamental starting the engine fires up on the first try surprising both Star and Shish.

    Now there on there way to HQ Star tries to gun the engine and go as fast as she can when traffic permits, the problem is school is getting out and traffic is somewhat heavy at different times, she tries to go as fast as she can. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Star’s right foot is going back and forth from the gas pedal to the brake pedal. The End. Star you did a great two part crank rev and drive video in the jeep your feet look sexy in brown leather cowgirl boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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