Some revving by Star to get some juice back into the battery after she had a hard time starting it. She barely pays attention as she stabs the gas pedal with her high heeled shoes on.
Some revving by Star to get some juice back into the battery after she had a hard time starting it. She barely pays attention as she stabs the gas pedal with her high heeled shoes on.
Star Revving The Super-beetle / Black Open-Toed Sling-back Pumps / 1080i MP4 HD
This is a short revving clip Star did a video in the bug before shooting this video, she had a hard time getting the bug to start she ran the bugs battery down a bit. As the video begins Star has just started the bugs engine.
Star is wearing a black & white shoulder strap dress, black open-toed sling-back pumps, pink toenail polish. Star is giving the engine a good revving as she’s charging the bugs battery. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body and upper body as well as some really great footwell video, you don’t see her feet until about halfway through the video. Shish also gets video of the exhaust as he walks to the rear of the bug as Star revs the engine, he then walks back to the drivers door with is open and gets more upper body video and footwell video, Star revs the bugs engine for about another minute showing off her sexy size 6 feet in her black open-toed sling-back pumps.
As the video is about to come to an end Star gets out of the bug leaving the engine running, as she gets out of the bug she picks up her smart-phone it’s on the passenger seat right beside her as she walks back into the house.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Star walks around the rear of the bug. The End.
Star you did a great revving video your feet look sexy in those black sling-backs pumps . Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀