This is some leftover footage from a custom of Tinsley in the old VW Bus. I’m hunkered down in the back of the Bus and filming her for a bit as she has a rough time cranking the Bus and then drives the shit out of it for a bit!Β Being way in the back makes the Bus seems a lot bigger than it is. Still a great view though!
Tinsley Crank & Drive The VW Bus Left Over Footage From Custom / Barefoot / 1080 I MP4 HD
Shish is sitting in the backseat getting a whole body video as Tinsley cranks and pumps the buses gas pedal, she’s going too do a custom video, it takes her a little over a minute to get the bus started. Tinsley is wearing dark sun glasses, black dress, barefoot. The buses engine sputters a couple of times before she gets it started. Tinsley revs the engine a few times to make sure it will stay running she shifts into first gear and makes a right turn from the driveway and a right turn at the stop sign. Tinsley shifts through the gears she gets the engine rpms up there pretty good as she drives down the two lane back roads.
She makes left and right turns she also turns around in a culdesac you’ll get a great view of Tinsley’s sexy size 8.5 right foot work the gas pedal as she cranks and pumps the buses gas pedal, and getting the engine rpms up there as she shifts through the gears teaching the bus a lesson for not starting for her when she turned the ignition key. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Tinsley is driving down a two lane road getting the engine rpms up there as high as she can. The End.
Tinsley you did a great crank and drive video in the bus you have sexy bare feet. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!! π π π π π