She’s trying to go out but the battery in the Blazer is dead. She has the charger handy to give it some juice as she spends the next 5+ minutes trying to get the car started. Lots of weak battery cranking and cranking without pumping by request. There is a lot of pumping while cranking as well. 🙂
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Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking The Blazer Weak Battery / Brown Leather Boots
Its a nice day it’s overcast somewhat cloudy. Vivian is going for a drive in her blue Blazer that is if she can get it to start, shes wearing a cowgirl hat, brown leather coat, white top, denim mini dress, brown leather boots. Vivian walks out to the Blaze she talks to herself through out the video, she thinks the blazer hates her. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body as well as upper body and footwell shots as she walks from the house to the Blazer. Vivian reaches for the keys there in the visor, she puts the key in the ignition she turns the key the starter barely spins for not even a half a minute, the battery is dead.
Its a good thing that Vivian has a battery charger, she hooks the charger up to the battery, she’s still talking to herself as she tries the start the Blazer, the starter spins a little bit faster not by much. Vivian waits for a couple of minutes she tries again, for the first three of four tries she doesn’t pump the gas pedal at all, after waiting for about another minute she tries again this time she’s pumping the gas pedal really good, between cranking the Blazer. Shish pans the camera up and down Vivian’s legs wile the battery get charged a little bit.
Vivian goes back to cranking the Blazer, the engine doesn’t even so much as sputter cough or backfire, it looks like Vivian is going to have to take another car to get where she wants to go, the battery is dead again. Vivian waits for the battery charges up some more before she tries again.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Vivian is talking to herself wile she fiddles with the seatbelt buckle. The End.
Vivian you did a great cranking video in the Blazer, for those of you who like brown leather boots your going to like these boots. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I wish i knew Vivian had those bioots, i would love to get a brake failure with her wearing some tight jeans over those boots!