Vivian Teal Leather Jacket, Teal Boots & Oil Sheen Nylons BMW Cruise, 1 of 5
January 1st, 2022
Vivian is taking the BMW out for a spin, hoping that putting some miles on it with fresh gas will help clear up the problems it’s having. There is a dash cam mounted on the passenger side viewing her legs and body paired with a picture-in-picture view of a camera behind her legs and boots shows her footwork during the drive.
She floors it on the main highway and lets it rip before having to slowdown due to traffic. She throws it in ‘Neutral’ and hits the gas pedal quickly to where you hear the ‘tap tap tap’ of the pedal being pumped with the engine rpm’s dancing in suit.
She enjoys the BMW and likes opening the throttle up because it’s a smooth scream right up till it shifts. For a little car, it’s got a lot of zip!
We end up on some side roads and get a little lost, so we try to backtrack our path and find a sweet car for sale on the side of the road. She gets us turned around and back to the car, which is where this scene ends.
Vivian Ireene Pierce Driving The BMW ( Going Out For A Cruise Putting Some Miles On – See A Car Up For Sail On Side Of The Road) Teal Colored Jacket & Teal Blue Colored Mid Calf Stiletto Boots / Clip 1 Of 5 / 1080I MP4 HD / PIP
It’s a nice day to go out for a drive in the BMW it has fresh gas in the tank and maybe that might help clear out the fuel injectors and smooth it out. Vivian is driving the BMW in this five part series she’s wearing a teal blue leather jacket, white short dress, oil sheen nylons pantyhose, teal blue mid calf stiletto boots.
Shish has two cameras one is PIP in the upper right cornet of the screen that one is footwell video only it’s mounted in front of the drivers seat on the floorboard shooting wide angle video of Vivian’s feet as her sexy right foot works the gas and break pedals, the rest of the screen is whole body video that camera is mounted on the dashboard on the passenger side from the top of her head down to slightly below the knees, you’ll see the top of her teal blue mid calf stiletto boots.
The engine stalls on Vivian one time while the BMW is inside the garage before she buckles her seat-belt, she has no trouble restarting the engine she backs out of the garage and makes a left turn from the dirt road. Vivian opens it up some on some of the two lane back roads when she can, she has to slowdown when she gets into somewhat heavy traffic on the highway, the camera switchs back and forth now and then. The drive goes without any problems so far then Vivian hasn’t had to stop at a traffic light yet.
Vivian bumps the gearshift into neutral when she stopped at the end of the dirt road before she makes her left turn, she also bumped the gearshift and revved the engine while she was driving on the road a couple of times. Vivian makes a right turn into what might be someones driveway so she can turn around and go back the way them came they were a little bit lost, both her and Shish see a car up for sale, hopefully it’s carbureted.
As clip one is coming to an end Vivian is looking at something out through the drivers door window maybe that car that is up for sale. What will clip two bring us? Will Vivian pullover to the side of the road and she and Shish take a look at the car and see if he can afford it? We will have to wait for clip two to see where this might go if at all. Until then pleasant dreams. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂