Gina’s not too thrilled to be taking the Coronet but she’ll deal with it. She asks you if it’s going to start before she gets in and your lack of response doesn’t give her much confidence. She does get the car started after some struggling and then revs the Coronet pretty good to hopefully clear the cobwebs out of the engine. She slips her boots off with about 2 minutes left and does some barefoot revving showing off her pink toenails.
Gina Revving The Coronet / Tan Leather Boots & Barefoot w/ Pink Toenail Polish
Gina is going out with some friends she would rather take the Camaro Z28, her boyfriend wants to go in the Coronet it can carry more people. Gina wonders if the Coronet will start, it hasn’t been started in a wile, she wonders aloud as she walks from the house to the Coronet, she asks her boyfriend if the Coronet will start ?
He doesn’t say anything as she opens the drivers door she gets in and she primes the carburetor by pumping the gas pedal about three or four times. Gina is wearing a black sleeveless top, sun glasses, denim jeans, Tan leather boots, barefoot. After priming the carburetor Gina turns the ignition key the engine doesn’t start of the first try she tries again the engine sputters on the second and third tries
From what I can tell Gina doesn’t pump the gas pedal on the second and third tries, she holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor, on the fourth try the engine starts right up. It takes Gina only 1 min 10 sec to get the Coronet to start, she revs the engine from the get go.
With the drivers door open.Shish is getting whole body shots, he’s using a hand-held camcorder to shot the video. Wile Gina is revving the Coronet Shish walks to the rear and gets a little bit of video of the exhaust as Gina gives the engine a good revving, as Gina is revving you can see a little bit of smoke coming out of the exhaust.
About halfway through the video. Shish walks over to the passenger side he gets in, he’s getting a mixture of upper body and footwell shots, after about close to three minutes of revving the engine good and loud with her right tan boot on her foot she stops revving for a minute she takes her right boot off, she puts hr right boot on the floor board beside her.
Shish gets some really great closeups of Gina’s right barefoot she has pink toenail polish on her toes, she goes back to revving the engine, she stops revving and she pumps the brake pedal about two or three times. Gina sure has sexy bare-feet, she revs the engine a little bit more.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Gina is still revving the engine. The End.
Gina you did a great revving video in the Coronet, for those of you who like tan leather boots your going to like these boots. Gina your feet with pink toenail polish they look really sexy. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀